Butternut and Carrot Soup

Hello Everyone!

Butternut soup has endless variations, and I love to experiment with food and baking. I make this soup regularly during the cold winter months and freeze some of it as well.

4 TBS olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
6 carrots, diced
2 kg butternut, cubed
1 cinnamon stick
1 TBS cumin seeds
1 cup double-cream yogurt
1.5-liter veggie or chicken stock (made from 2 stock cubes)
4 TBS chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste


Fry the onions in the olive oil until soft.
Add the butternut, carrots, stock, and spices.
Simmer for about an hour, until the veggies are tender.
Remove the cinnamon stick and let it cool slightly.
Add the double cream and blend with a stick blender until smooth.
Reheat it again and serve it with a swirl of double cream and a sprinkle of parsley.
Serves 6-8

The end result is fragrant, thick, and creamy.


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